Today we are going to talk about insurance. You may have recently heard about insurance premiums increasing or you may have just received your policy and see that your premiums have increased again! Obviously you own your own home or have an investment property that you have an insurance policy on, it is important to make sure that you are correctly insured.
You want to make sure that you are not under insured if a natural disaster happens and you have to rebuild or potentially over insured and paying a higher premium because of that. So where do you start? The way around that is to have an updated market appraisal on your property that way you can get an idea of the full improvement value of your property, this meaning the value of the house and any buildings on the property. Then you can use that market appraisal to go back to your insurance broker and be able to then renegotiate with a new company or ensure that you have the correct amount of cover.
You don’t want to get to a position where that has been a natural disaster and it is too late and you are in a sticky situation.
Have a think about those points and we really want to help save you money through insurance premiums and the team and Merrifield Real Estate can give you a free Market Appraisal whenever you are ready.